Irish Divinity

A little divine, a lotta irish - what a mess that makes!

Monday, April 09, 2007

I leave for CLEET in exactly 6 1/2 days. It is approx. 4 hrs away from my home and I have to be there 4 days a week for 11 to 12 weeks. Some say vacation (of sorts) others say torture. I'm more inclined to go with torture. Yep, plan and simple torture. But hey, at least I'll still be getting paid while I'm being tortured.

I am so beyond out of shape, it's quite pathetic actually. Oh, and horrors of all horrors I apparently lost any good sense I had and starting smoking again. Yes, I did say smoking. Seven (7) years I went without smoking. I know stupid doesn't begin to descibe me. Oh, and it has caused my to have to be a sneak because I haven't let my girls know that I am smoking. Jeez, the riot that would cause!!

I really have nothing of any importance to say here - just wanted to pop in......

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