Irish Divinity

A little divine, a lotta irish - what a mess that makes!

Monday, April 09, 2007

I leave for CLEET in exactly 6 1/2 days. It is approx. 4 hrs away from my home and I have to be there 4 days a week for 11 to 12 weeks. Some say vacation (of sorts) others say torture. I'm more inclined to go with torture. Yep, plan and simple torture. But hey, at least I'll still be getting paid while I'm being tortured.

I am so beyond out of shape, it's quite pathetic actually. Oh, and horrors of all horrors I apparently lost any good sense I had and starting smoking again. Yes, I did say smoking. Seven (7) years I went without smoking. I know stupid doesn't begin to descibe me. Oh, and it has caused my to have to be a sneak because I haven't let my girls know that I am smoking. Jeez, the riot that would cause!!

I really have nothing of any importance to say here - just wanted to pop in......

posted by Irish Divinity at 4:33 PM comment(s) made: 0

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Thursday, April 05, 2007

It has been so long since I've done this it feels like my first time, and then again it's kinda like that whole falling off the horse thing....

I've still been reading here and there. This new job thing is a lot more time consuming than I thought it would be. I swear I ran a complete law firm right down to the bookkeeping and I don't recall ever having as much paperwork as I do now! And even though that sounds like I'm b*tch*ng I'm really not. I actually really like my job, don't get me wrong as with any job it has it's issues, but all in all I feel I made the right career choice.

As for the not so good marital situation, well I'm still legally married, he still lives in the same house w/me, but well I haven't been in it mentally or emotionally since last we spoke. (or read or whatever it would be here) And well I could type pages on that whole situation, but I'd rather not bore everyone to tears. And besides I know I'm insane so I really don't feel I should put it in writing so that everyone else can have proof!

My kids are great. Thanks for asking. Baby Divinity is 14 1/2 months now and a holy TERROR! Yep, he is a walking, talking, running, slapping (mostly me in the face), hair pulling little darling! He likes to be sweet to Kierst and then get behind her grab her by the hair pull her head back and smack her in the face....kierst of course obliges him by crying and freaking out, which I presume is the effect he is looking for. And all the while he just grins like he is doing the greatest thing!! Nothing phases him, NOTHING! He has no fear and the highest pain threshold I've ever witnessed. And if something does happen to hurt a little he continues to repeat the act until he figures out how to do it without it hurting. Scary, I know. I'm just assuming the ER Doc and I will become very well known to each other.

Kierst turns the big "8" this month. Yikes, she's really turning 8. She's still my dancer and is already stressing about how much makeup she'll be allowed to wear at recital and if I'll get to tape it, etc.,etc. ... I signed her up for softball it should be starting soon, hopefully it won't overlap dance to badly.

Kat well she is doing great. Still in 6th grade, grades are terrific and she has started to come out of her shell some, not much, but some. She's signed up for softball too, this should be a very busy summer!

Little ole' me is leaving for CLEET soon, I didn't go back in January as planned. Had a hiccup here at work and it was delayed, so now I have to make the dreaded journey! Keep me in your prayers I'm sure I'll need many to survive the torture.

Well, I am going to have to be done for now it's Maundy Thursday and we are having a Seder Meal at our church and I have to have the oldest there at 5 since the youth group will be serving the meal.

It feels good to be back, hopefully I will be able to blog on a regular basis again.

posted by Irish Divinity at 4:25 PM comment(s) made: 0

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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Just getting started, trying to form an acceptable template. Looking for images and wanting to make this personal.

posted by Irish Divinity at 2:35 PM comment(s) made: 0

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